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Humanizing Healthcare: The Impact of Professional Videos on Patient Experience

How do you communicate the joy of parents whose child was injured in a car accident and then saved by the work of surgeons?  

Or talk about the impact of a devastating diagnosis and what it was like to find help from a community of caregivers? 

Or ease the fear of patients who are nervous about an upcoming procedure? 

You let patients and caregivers tell their own stories. 

Professional videos are powerful tools for humanizing healthcare and revolutionizing how patients perceive and interact with providers and services. 

When healthcare stories are well told on the screen, patients are educated and become more engaged, less fearful, and more likely to develop connections to their providers. 

Here’s why: 

1.Visual Storytelling Breaks Barriers: Professional videos allow healthcare providers to tell compelling stories that resonate with patients personally. By showcasing real-life experiences, success stories, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of healthcare professionals, these videos break down communication barriers and create a more transparent and relatable healthcare environment. This video we did with Sade and her family at Memorial Healthcare System in Hollywood, FL, is one of our favorites. 

2. Video Tours Demystify New Places: Video tours offer patients a sneak peek into facilities and can ease the anxiety many feel when heading to the doctor. Well-produced videos take prospective patients on a detailed journey and tell them what to expect. And seeing the smiling faces of those working in healthcare helps patients feel welcome, too. 

3. Educational Videos Encourage Informed Decision-Making: Who doesn’t love a tight, info-packed explainer video? Patients about to undergo procedures or therapies watch them over and over again. One of our most popular is this one on bariatric surgery that we produced for Memorial Healthcare System.

Professional healthcare videos are invaluable educational tools, providing patients with accessible and easily digestible information about medical conditions, treatment options, and preventive care. Informed patients are more likely to participate actively in their healthcare journey, leading to better health outcomes. Immersive storytelling engages learners, elicits intrinsic motivation, and helps users make connections between theory and practice.  When done well, this can boost the knowledge users retain to 75%. 

4. Storytelling showcases the value of relationships between patients and providers: Caregivers and patients often form deep, human connections, and video is the best tool to express the stories of those relationships. Putting a face and personality to medical advice helps build trust and rapport which are crucial for effective doctor-patient interactions. 

The expanding use of video storytelling in healthcare isn’t just a trend. It’s a transformative approach to humanizing the healthcare experience. 

Whether communicating complex information or humanizing providers and their meaningful relationships to patients, organizations who deploy video storytelling strategically are seeing improved patient engagement, education, and overall satisfaction. 

HealthSight Media - We are award-winning producers with deep experience in television, news, and documentaries who produce high-quality videos exclusively for healthcare organizations.  Our elevated storytelling approach is helping more and more healthcare providers enhance patient engagement and education in today’s digital-first environment.



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